Frame description

In this frame, an Experiencer has emotions, either concerning some Content or a Topic, or caused by a Stimulus. Emotion, here, refers to a broad range of subjective experiences or reactions, including states of mental stimulation, like being interested.


1. Das Kind hat Angst vor dem Monster unter seinem Bett.1. The child has fear of the monster under its bed.
2. Frank beneidet andere um ihren Erfolg.2. Frank envies others for their success.
3. Klaus vermisste Texas, während er in Österreich war.3. Klaus missed Texas, while he was in Austria.

Some lexical units in this frame are associated with a direct cause (a Stimulus) while others are not (in which case, they occur with Content, not with a Stimulus).  With most lexical units, a Topic can be substituted for Stimulus or Content, indicating a general area but leaving a range of possibilities.

 Stimulus Emotion with direct causationDu ärgerst mich!You irritate me!
 Content Emotion with no direct causationIch mag dich.I like you.
 Topic Emotion about a general topic*Ich beneide dich.I envy you.

*This leaves multiple options for a specific Content or  Stimulus.  Here, for example, there is no way to tell whether the speaker envies your hair, your salary or your car.

Frame Elements

Frame Element descriptions (on hover):


The person who experiences the emotion or other internal state.


The Content is what the Experiencer has feelings about; it is what those feelings are directed towards or based upon.


The Topic is more general than the Content or Stimulus, and is the area the Experiencer has feelings about.


The phenomenon that provokes a particular emotion in the Experiencer.